楊岩星海音樂學院聲樂系主任, 碩士生導師, 現任中國聲樂家協會執行主席, 廣東省聲樂藝術研究會會長。

2000年赴法國,參加法國第八屆“嘎斯哥尼”國際歌劇比賽 ,榮獲男聲組第一名。曾在歌劇《鳴鳳》、《塞爾維亞理髮師》中擔任主要角色。多次出訪美國、義大利、法國、俄羅斯、澳大利亞等國進行演出和藝術交流。


Director in the Department of Vocality of Xinghai Conservatory Of Music,master tutor, executive chairman of Vocal Music Association Of China, chairman of Vocal Music Art Seminar Of Guangdong.

In 2000, won the first prize of the male voice group in the eighth Gazgeny International Opera Competition in France. Played a leading role in many sino-foreign operas, like The Barber of Seville and Ming Feng. Has made many visits to America, Italy, France, Russia, Australia to promote performance and art exchange.

Has been teaching vocal music for over tweenty years and trained many talented people. His students gained the following awards: second prize(two persons), third prize(three persons), excellence award(three persons) in the Golden Bell Awards; second prize of the bel canto group in the twelfth CCTV Young Singers Competition; third prize in the Vocal Competition of the Chinese Minister of Culture; first prize of the female group, second prize of the male group in the first Italian Art Song Competition Of National Art Colleges in 2012; third prize in the Domingo International Vocal Competition; first prize in the Treviso International Vocal Competition in Italy; second prize in the seventh Pesaro International Vocal Competition in Italy; first prize in the 21st century Keifer International Vocal Competition in Ukraine; excellence award in the Dvorzhak International Singing Competition.

In 2001, awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star by the chief executive of the Hongkong Special Administrative Region. In 2006, became a member of Chinese literacy and art association. In 2008, became an honorary fellow of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

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