1. 參賽者可同時選擇參加多於⼀個組別之賽事。
  2. 參賽者必須於⽐賽開始前20分鐘到達⽐賽場地,辦理登記⼿續。
  3. 所有已列明年齡限制之組別, 參賽者必須攜帶附有近照之有效⾝份證明⽂件或旅遊證件,以便⽐賽場地之⼯作⼈員作年齡核實。
  4. 所有參賽者必須先參加選拔賽,獲得晉級通知書後⽅可報名總決賽。
  5. 服裝要求正裝或者演出服,不可穿著制服或校服。
  6. 對於評委會所作出之最終⽐賽成績,任何⼈均不得異議。
  7. 評審委員有權於⽐賽中途中⽌參賽者的演出,參賽者不得異議。
  8. 參賽者演唱時間不可超過規定時限。
  9. 所有與評審委員會之成員有任何親屬或師徒關係之參賽者,必須於申請表格內列明;如有違規者,其參賽資格將被取消。
  10. 若參賽者是任何⼀位評委的親屬或學⽣,該評委將不可評審該名參賽者。
  11. 已繳交之報名費將不獲退還,亦不得轉讓他⼈或轉作另⼀項⽐賽之費⽤。
  12. 參賽者所填報之資料必須屬實。如有違規者,其參賽資格將被取消。所有資料只會作⽐賽之⽤。
  13. 參賽者如有違反任何⽐賽規則,賽事委員會有權取消其參賽資格。
  14. 主辦⽅擁有所有選⼿參賽視頻及照⽚的使⽤權。
  15. 任何⼈⼠不得於⽐賽場地內進⾏攝影﹑錄影或錄⾳,⼀切錄像版權均屬賽事委員會所有。
  16. 所有在場⼈⼠均須小⼼看管個⼈財物,如有任何遺失,賽事委員會均不會負責。
  17. 除伴奏外,每位參賽者可由⼀⼈陪同進⼊⽐賽場地觀賽,額外觀眾必須訂購⾨票。
  18. ⼤師課、講座、⾳樂會等系列活動,每位參賽者可免費參加,額外觀眾必須訂購⾨票。
  19. 報名後若需更改參賽項⽬或其他資料,需每次繳交⾏政費(初賽100元,總決賽300元⼈⺠幣)。⽐賽期間不能擅⾃更改參賽組別及其他資料。
  20. 初賽報名截⽌時間以各賽區通知為准,總決賽報名截⽌時間2023年6⽉28⽇,逾期報名或不會受理,或需要加⾏政費⽤
  1. 獲獎選⼿獲得的獎⾦為稅前,選⼿應按相關法律繳納所得稅。
  2. 如遇戰爭、疫情、地震等不可抗⼒因素致使⽐賽無法進⾏,賽事組委會有權利調整⽐賽⽅式或變更⽐賽時間及地點,已繳之報名費⼀律不予退還。
  1. 主辦⽅有權修改賽事規則,若有任何修改,恕不另⾏通知。


1. Contestants may enter more than one class.
2. Contestants are required to arrive at the competition venue 20 minutes prior to the competition starts.
3. For all classes with specified age limit, contestants are required to bring along their I.D/passport for age verification at registration desk.
4. All contestants must compete in the preliminary round to get qualified to the Final Round.
5. Contestants should dress formally, uniform is not allowed at the competition.
6. Competition results made by jury members is final and shall not be disputed.
7. Jury member reserves the right to terminate one’s performance.
8. Contestant must complete their performance within the set time.
9. Contestants who have any relatives or teacher-student relationship with any member of Judge Committee must be listed in the
application form. Otherwise, their eligibility will be disqualified.
10. If contestant is a relative or student of any judge, the judge shall not judge that contestant.
11. Entry fees are not refundable or transferable.
12. Contestants should not submit any inaccurate or misleading information. Otherwise, the application will be disqualified. All personal
information given by contestants will only be used for the competition.
13.The Organizing Committee has the right to disqualify any contestant who violates any of the rules and regulations stated above.
14.The Organizing Committee has the right to use all contestants’ videos and photos.
15. Audio and video recordings are not allowed. The competition committee has all the copyrights of the competition images.
16. All attendees of the competition are reminded to take care of their personal belongings. The organizing committee will not be responsible
for any lost.
17.Each contestant or team may be accompanied by one person into the venue to watch the competition. Additional audience must
purchase a ticket.
18. Masterclasses, lectures, concerts, and other series of events are free to each contestant. Additional audience must purchase a ticket.
19. An administrative fee (CNY100 for preliminary round and CNY300 for Final Round) will be charged for each amendment if made after
the application form is submitted.
20. The registration deadline for the preliminary rounds will be determined by local organizing committee. Registration deadline for Finals is
28 June,2023. Late application might not be processed or might need to pay an administrative surcharge of CNY100 for preliminary
round and CNY300 for Final Round in addition to the application fee.
21. The prizes received by the winning contestants are pre-tax, and contestants should pay income tax in accordance with relevant laws.
22. In case of war, epidemic, earthquake and other force majeure factors, the competition cannot be carried out, Organizing Committee
reserves the right to adjust the competition method or reschedule the time and place, without any responsibility.
The registration fee will not be refunded nor transferred to others.
23. Competition information are subject to modified by Hong Kong International Musician Association.
24. Hong Kong International Musician Association reserves the right of final explanation of the Competition and relevant activities.

Copyright @ 2011-2023 粤ICP备2023033014号 深圳市音节乐动传媒有限公司