同時,Leontine教授是網站voicecouncil.com和《The Stage》報紙的專欄作家。她是《The Singer’s Complete Guide to Vocal Health》(《歌手的聲樂健康指南)的撰稿人,本書由牛津大學出版社出版;以及由TC Helicon於2014年出版的《The Ultimate Guide to Singing》(《歌唱終極指南》)的顧問以及撰稿人。
Leontine Hass is an internationally renowned Vocal Coach and Principal of the Associated Studios London Performing Arts Academy.Leontine teaches workshops and lectures internationally on singing, voice andperformance. She has taught at leading Music &Drama Schools including GSA Conservatoire, theOxford School of Drama, Mountview, LSMT, YMT, TheBrit School…