於美國加州HOLY Names College “Kodaly” 教學 法研習班結業,現為國立臺灣藝術大學表演藝術博士 候選人,出版多張民間歌曲專輯以及音樂理論著作。 曾獲得獲頒國軍新文藝第40屆特別貢獻獎、2008年中 國文藝獎章……等重要榮譽獎項。

Professor Bai Yuguang is a famous doctor of performing arts in Taiwan. In 1990, he completed the “Kodaly” Teaching Methodology Workshop at HOLY Names College in California, USA. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Performing Arts at the National Taiwan University of the Arts, and has published
several folk song albums and music theory books. He has won important awards such as the 40th Special Contribution Award of the National Army New Art and the 2008 Chinese Literary Medal.